DEFEND B-17S AGAINST ME 163s The first contact with Luftwaffe rocket fighters occured on July 28, 1944, when five Me 163 Komets were encountered while they were up on trial flights. One week later, three 352nd Group P-51s escorting B-17s to Magdeburg were bounced by several Me 163s. The Komets dove from approximately 7,000 feet above the Mustangs and pressed their attack to nearly point-blank range. The Me 163s then zoomed up out of sight into the clear blue sky. YOUR MISSION Since the first sightings of German rocket aircraft one week ago, you've been briefed to be on the alert for them. You and two other P-51Ds are to escort B-17s as they bomb an aircraft engine factory at Magdeburg. Remember that your primary responsibilty is to protect the bombers. If you are attacked, do not stray too far from your "big friends".